The information provided in the DMIT analysis belongs to its owner only. In case of a minor, the rights of information are with his legal guardian. By agreeing to this analysis, you are giving your fingerprints voluntarily and in case of minors, you are representing him/her as a legal guardian or parent. It is also understood that these fingerprints are used only for analysing and preparing this report. The content of this analysis is only for reference, based on the scientific research in the field of Dermatoglyphics and statistical study conducted based on the fingerprint analysis. The decision to follow any instruction, advise, suggestion or recommendation completely depends upon you and you will be solely responsible for the consequences of the same. We as an organization or any of its representatives are not responsible for any consequences under any circumstance. Before taking any crucial decision, please refer to your family doctor, psychiatrist or psychologist. The results are only indicative and the company or any authorized representative of the company shall in no case be liable for failure in any particular course of study or activity recommended in the report or any important decisions taken based on this report. Thus, it should not be used as a standalone instrument for any important decision-making.