Our Brain

Our brain is divided into 2 parts - Left Brain & Right Brain.

Left brain controls right side of the body and vice-versa.

Science has proved that within same lobe, Left & Right brain do different specific roles. So, brain has 10 compartments - 5 left and 5 right. Each compartment has specific, pre-defined function.

Further, our brain has approx. 100 billion Neuron cells which are randomly divided in these 10 compartments. It is impossible that two persons have same neuron distribution.

One would love to do that compartment's work which have more neuron count. One will enjoy that work, will find it easy and will be their strength area.

One would hate to do work related to a compartment in which the neuron count is low. One will find it difficult to do and will be their weak area.

This neuron distribution affect the formation of fingerprints and can thus indicate one's abilities.

Brain Lobes & their functions

Brain lobes

1. Inferior frontal lobe:

Emotions, reasoning, planning, movement, parts of speech, creativity, judgement, problem solving & planning.

2. Parietal lobe:

Kinesthetics, fine & gross motor skills, space discrimination, understanding & appreciation of space, Art and language capability.

3. Prefrontal lobe:

Executive functions, cognitive functions and personality.

4. Temporal lobe:

Hearing, memory, emotions, learning, Interpreting & processing auditory stimuli, language comprehension.

5. Occipital lobe:

Ability to recognize objects, responsible for visual functions.

What our fingers represent?

R1 - Right Thumb:

Organization & Management ability

R2 - Right Index:

Logical analysis ability

R3 - Right Middle:

Fine motor skills

R4 - Right Ring:

Language, Listening ability

R5 - Right Little:

Observation , reading ability

What fingers represent

L1 - Left Thumb:

Creativity & Interpersonal ability

L2 - Left Index:

Visual-spatial & Imagination ability

L3 - Left Middle:

Gross motor skills

L4 - Left Ring:

Musical & emotion feeling ability

L5 - Left Little:

Visual ability

Key Takeaways

  • Everyone has the potential for certain innate qualities. Through stimulation and learning, one can become a better human being.
  • Uphold the idea that each of us can fully stimulate our potential and can achieve bright future.
  • The brain has amazing adaptive characteristics; it can train and fine-tune existing capabilities. The ‘Better Careers DMIT Report’ provides the mapping of our inborn nerve cells intensity.
  • Nevertheless, even though we produce no new nerve cells after the time of birth, nurturing and training can help our 100 billion nerve cells in our cerebral cortex to be creative about wiring incredibly complex circuits.
  • Through learning mechanism, the brain continues to rewrite and change its circuitry throughout our lives.
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